Finally, Business Finance You Will Love

Secure Finance

Founding from $3,000 to $300,000

Only payback when your customers pay you.

Transparent pricing

Partner with us

Offer finance to your customers

Accelerate your service strategy

Increase customer retention

There’s a Better Way To Found Your Business

Accessing small business funding shouldn't be complicated or time-consuming, so BizUp developed a simple way for business to secure up to $300,000.

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How BizUp Works



Easy Application

The application only takes a few clicks and there are no long forms to fill out decisions can be as fast as minutes.



Fast Funding

On approval, we deposit funds as soon as the next business day. Once you’ve paid back 60% of your balance you may qualify for an automatic top-up.



Easy Payback

Pay off your funding with convenient automatic deductions from your debit and take credit card sales. Take a funding holiday when you need it.

Some Ways Our Customers Use BizUp

ways of use
Any Business Need?

Payback Is Simple

Your finance is repaid using an agreed percentage of your daily credit and debit card sales. We recognize that some days you’re busy and some days you are not. With BizUp, you only pay us back when your Customers pay you.

Our pricing promise

You pay one flat free for your financing. This fee never changes. You’ll see how much you have repaid and how much you have outstanding every day. We show you clearly how much you will repay and together we agree what percentage of your daily credit card sales we will deduct.

  • Agreed pricing, upfront
  • No fees for early repayment
  • No late charges
  • No hidden fees
  • No joke
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Financial planning tips for small business owners


How to get on Google search page


Keeping up engagement on social media for business


How best to respond to critical reviews


The importance of review sites for small business


What to consider when deciding whether to increase
pay or benefit for your business

We Are Ready When You Are

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